Children's Ministries
Sunday School
Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 we offer Sunday School for all ages. Our kids ministry offers classes for kindergarten through 5th grade. Our classes are focused on teaching the Bible and seeing Jesus in every story.
Our teachers not only teach the lessons, but get to know each child as they strive to develop personal relationships each week.
Children's Church
​We encourage worship as a family, so we plan for children to stay with their parents during the first part of our worship service. (Nurseries for children birth-3yrs old are available throughout the entire service.)
Before the sermon begins, children will be dismissed to Children’s Church. The check-in desk is at the bottom of the main stairs.
Preschool: 4yrs-Kindergarten
Primary: 1st-2nd grade
Intermediate: 3rd- 5th grade
During the service, we also have a family room available at the end of the hallway on the upper level that features comfy seating and a live feed of the service.
Chapel Kids Club will begin again in the fall of 2024.
Our Kids Club runs each year September through May. Click here for a registration form
Utilizing Kids4Truth curriculum, our families are equipped to learn and better understand the Bible and how it applies to our lives today through age appropriate instruction, games, activities, and personal interaction with caring adults.
Our Kids Club meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00–7:30pm, September through May. If you have any questions, fell free to contact Nathan Hamilton.
Junior Camp
Our annual Junior Camp for graduates of 3rd-5th grade at Mark Twain State Park is scheduled for June 10-14th.
You can find details by downloading the brochure and registration form here.